I'm using the feedparser library in python to retrieve news from a local newspaper (my intent is to do Natural Language Processing over this corpus) and would like to be able to retrieve many past entries from the RSS feed.
I'm not very acquainted with the technical issues of RSS, but I think this should be possible (I can see that, e.g., Google Reader and Feedly can do this ''on demand'' as I move the scrollbar).
When I do the following:
import feedparser
url = 'http://feeds.folha.uol.com.br/folha/emcimadahora/rss091.xml'
feed = feedparser.parse(url)
for post in feed.entries:
title = post.title
I get only a dozen entries or so. I was thinking about hundreds. Maybe all entries in the last month, if possible. Is it possible to do this only with feedparser?
I intend to get from the rss feed only the link to the news item and parse the full page with BeautifulSoup to obtain the text I want. An alternate solution would be a crawler that follows all local links in the page to get a lot of news items, but I want to avoid that for now.
One solution that appeared is to use the Google Reader RSS cache:
But to access this I must be logged in to Google Reader. Anyone knows how I do that from python? (I really don't know a thing about web, I usually only mess with numerical calculus).
You're only getting a dozen entries or so because that's what the feed contains. If you want historic data you will have to find a feed/database of said data.
Check out this ReadWriteWeb article for some resources on finding open data on the web.
Note that Feedparser has nothing to do with this as your title suggests. Feedparser parses what you give it. It can't find historic data unless you find it and pass it into it. It is simply a parser. Hope that clears things up! :)