Hi I'm looking for a Perl RESTful framework that have to :
Am I just dreaming or can I avoid the 'Roll our own' approach?
What framework would you recommend?
I think you will find that Squatting
ticks all those boxes!
I've written quite a few small RESTful apps with it. Its ideally suited for this and its been a pleasure to work with.
Here are some more links:
Here is a simple "hello world!" example:
use strict;
use warnings;
package Simple;
use base 'Squatting';
package Simple::Controllers;
use Squatting ':controllers';
our @C = (
Index => [ '/' ],
get => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $v = $self->v;
$v->{hello} = 'Hello World!';
$self->render( 'hello' );
package Simple::Views;
use Squatting ':views';
use HTML::AsSubs;
our @V = (
V( 'html',
layout => sub {
my ($self, $v, @yield) = @_;
head( title('Simple web app') ),
body( @yield ),
hello => sub {
my ($self, $v) = @_;
p( $v->{hello} );
Save above as Simple.pm in relevant place and make sure the following is in your Apache config:
use Simple 'On::MP20';
<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Simple->mp20
And away you go!
While here I would also give a passing mention to a couple of other frameworks which should fit the bill:
I say "passing mention" because I haven't used either of these and I'm not sure if either work (out of the box) with mod_perl2. Still with PSGI / Plack
just around the corner this wouldn't be an issue for too long ;-)