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Using OpenSceneGraph with Code::Blocks

I have to integrate osg into my project on code blocks. In osg web site, there is only one unanswered post.

Has anyone used osg and codeblocks together?


  • I assume you're developing on windows from your tags.
    Ok. If you havent set up OSG already, checkout this blog for instructions on compiling with MingW/MSYS.
    The OSG wiki considers the article to be more up to date (as at May-26-13') than its wiki entry.
    There's also binaries at the bottom to save you time.

    Next, fire up C::B and create a new C++ console application. Follow the wizard thru to the end. Select MingW/GCC as your compiler.

    1. Create a new set of Global Variables. Settings -> Global Variables
    2. Call the new variable "OSG".
    3. Set the "base" field to your OSG root folder
      • Optional: Set the "include" field to your OSG include folder
      • Optional: Set the "lib" field to your OSG libs folder
    4. Open project -> build options.
      • go to the "Search Directories" tab
      • under the "compiler" tab add $(#OSG.include)
      • under the "linker" tab add $(#OSG.lib)
    5. Click the "Linker Setings" tab and copy paste the following libs (according to your projects needs) under the "Other linker options" textbox. Each should be separated by a new-line AS IS.
    6. Click ok.
    7. Goto File -> Save everything (optional but if C::B crashes, you might wish you did this)
    8. Copy paste all the code from this tut/example into your main.cpp and try compiling.

    Make a good game/3d app if it works, otherwise Let me know if it mis-behaves.