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how to write this in C

how to write this ASM code in C?

mov cl, [eax]
cmp cl, ' '
jb short loc_536FBC
cmp cl, ','
jnz short loc_536FBF

mov byte ptr [eax], ' '

mov cl, [eax+1]
inc eax
test cl, cl
jnz short loc_536FB0

I have figured out that it is a for loop counting to 23 then exiting.


  • char *str; // = value of eax
    int i = 0;
    while (str[i]) {
        if (str[i] < ' ' || str[i] == ',')
            str[i] = ' ';

    It traverses a c-string and replaces all characters below ' ' and commas ',' with a space ' '. See an ASCII table: characters "below" space are all the controll characters. The function probably wants to erase them to get a "clean" string. The string is passed via a pointer in eax.

    I don't know what this would have to do with 23, but maybe this is what you got for some specific input while debugging.