I'm trying to use the scipy package in my 32-bit Python 2.6 on 64-bit Windows 7.
I have installed Scipy 0.12.0 from the 32-bit Python Superpack binary installer. The installation went through smoothly, but after completion, I'm encountering a crash every time I try to use it in any other way than just importing the whole package - either running the test (scipy.test()
) or importing one of its submodules. When I just import the whole package, it generates a warning:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ESRI\Python26\ArcGIS10.0\lib\site-packages\scipy\__init__.py:89: UserWarning: Numpy 1.5.0 or above is recommended for this version of scipy (detected version 1.3.0) UserWarning)
Numpy that came together with it runs and tests (numpy.test()
) flawlessly. Python works fine as well.
The Python I'm using came together with an ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 installation and is the only version supported by it, so I can't modify it.
Any suggestions? Thanks, Jan
ArcGIS 10.0 includes numpy 1.3.0, which is not compatible with any recent scipy binaries. Try scipy 0.7.1, which was released around the same time (July 2009) as numpy 1.3.0.