I'm trying to learn how to make GPU optimalized OpenCL kernells, I took example of matrix multiplication using square tiles in local memory. However I got at best case just ~10-times speedup ( ~50 Gflops ) in comparison to numpy.dot() ( 5 Gflops , it is using BLAS).
I found studies where they got speedup >200x ( >1000 Gflops ). ftp://ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp/u-aizu/doc/Tech-Report/2012/2012-002.pdf I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or if it is just because of my GPU ( nvidia GTX 275 ). Or if it is because of some pyOpenCl overhead. But I meassured also how long does take just to copy result from GPU to RAM and it is just ~10% of the matrix multiplication time.
#define BLOCK_SIZE 22
__kernel void matrixMul(
__global float* Cij,
__global float* Aik,
__global float* Bkj,
__const int ni,
__const int nj,
__const int nk
// WARRNING : interchange of i and j dimension lower the performance >2x on my nV GT275 GPU
int gj = get_global_id(0); int gi = get_global_id(1);
int bj = get_group_id(0); int bi = get_group_id(1); // Block index
int tj = get_local_id(0); int ti = get_local_id(1); // Thread index
int oj = bi*BLOCK_SIZE; int oi = bj*BLOCK_SIZE;
float Csub =0;
__local float As [BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
__local float Bs [BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
for (int ok = 0; ok < nk; ok += BLOCK_SIZE ) {
As[ti][tj] = Aik[ nk*(gi ) + tj + ok ]; // A[i][k]
Bs[ti][tj] = Bkj[ nj*(ti+ok) + gj ]; // B[k][j]
for (int k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE; ++k) Csub += As[ti][k] * Bs[k][tj];
Cij[ nj * ( gi ) + gj ] = Csub;
NOTE - the strange BLOCK_SIZE=22 is the maximum BLOCK_SIZE which does fit to max work_group_size which is 512 on my GPU. In this code must hold condition BLOCK_SIZE^2 < max work_group_size. 22=int(sqrt(512)). I tried also BLOCK_SIZE=16 or 8 but it was slower tan with 22.
I also tried simple matrixMul (without using local memory) but it was even 10-times slower than numpy.dot(). I copied the code here http://gpgpu-computing4.blogspot.cz/2009/10/matrix-multiplication-3-opencl.html they say that even the simple version (without local memory) should run 200x faster than CPU? I don't undrestand that.
the dependecne of performance in my case is:
N = 220 numpy 3.680 [Gflops] GPU 16.428 [Gflops] speedUp 4.464
N = 330 numpy 4.752 [Gflops] GPU 29.487 [Gflops] speedUp 6.205
N = 440 numpy 4.914 [Gflops] GPU 37.096 [Gflops] speedUp 7.548
N = 550 numpy 3.849 [Gflops] GPU 47.019 [Gflops] speedUp 12.217
N = 660 numpy 5.251 [Gflops] GPU 49.999 [Gflops] speedUp 9.522
N = 770 numpy 4.565 [Gflops] GPU 48.567 [Gflops] speedUp 10.638
N = 880 numpy 5.452 [Gflops] GPU 44.444 [Gflops] speedUp 8.152
N = 990 numpy 4.976 [Gflops] GPU 42.187 [Gflops] speedUp 8.478
N = 1100 numpy 5.324 [Gflops] GPU 83.187 [Gflops] speedUp 15.625
N = 1210 numpy 5.401 [Gflops] GPU 57.147 [Gflops] speedUp 10.581
N = 1320 numpy 5.450 [Gflops] GPU 48.936 [Gflops] speedUp 8.979
NOTE - the "Gflops" number is obtained as N^3/time and it does include time required to copy results from GPU to main memory, but this time is just few percent of total time especially for N>1000
maybe more pictorial is time in secons:
N = 220 numpy 0.003 [s] GPU 0.001 [s] load 0.001 [s] speedUp 5.000
N = 330 numpy 0.008 [s] GPU 0.001 [s] load 0.001 [s] speedUp 7.683
N = 440 numpy 0.017 [s] GPU 0.002 [s] load 0.001 [s] speedUp 7.565
N = 550 numpy 0.043 [s] GPU 0.004 [s] load 0.001 [s] speedUp 11.957
N = 660 numpy 0.055 [s] GPU 0.006 [s] load 0.002 [s] speedUp 9.298
N = 770 numpy 0.100 [s] GPU 0.009 [s] load 0.003 [s] speedUp 10.638
N = 880 numpy 0.125 [s] GPU 0.010 [s] load 0.000 [s] speedUp 12.097
N = 990 numpy 0.195 [s] GPU 0.015 [s] load 0.000 [s] speedUp 12.581
N = 1100 numpy 0.250 [s] GPU 0.031 [s] load 0.000 [s] speedUp 8.065
N = 1210 numpy 0.328 [s] GPU 0.031 [s] load 0.000 [s] speedUp 10.581
N = 1320 numpy 0.422 [s] GPU 0.047 [s] load 0.000 [s] speedUp 8.979
I was thinking that maybe some speed improvement can be obtained using async_work_group_copy or even read_imageui to copy blocks to local memory. But I don't understand why I have so big difference when I'm using basically the same code as people who say they have 200x speedup?????
Without even looking at your code let me make some comments about your benchmarks. Let's ignore numpy and compare the maximum SP FLOPs/s and DP FLOPs/s of an Intel CPU versus Nvidia and AMD GPUs.
A Intel 2600K at 4 GHz can do 4 GHz * (8 AVX) * (2 ILP) * ( 4 cores) = 256 SP GFLOPs/s. For DP it's half: 128 DP GFLOPs/s. Haswell which comes out in a few weeks will double both of those. The Intel MKL library gets better than 80% efficiency in GEMM. My own GEMM code gets 70% on my i7-2700 so the 5 GFlops/s you quote with numpy is tiny and not fair to compare with.
I don't know what the GTX 275 is capable of but I would guess it's much more than 50 GFLOPs/s.
The article you reference compares a AMD 7970. They get 848 (90% efficiency) DP GFlops/s and 2646 (70% efficiency) SP GFlops/s. That's closer to 10x the performance of the CPU not 200x!
Edit: Your calculations of FLOPs is wrong it should be 2.0*n^3. That's still approximate but it's asymptotically true. Let me explain.
Consider a 3D dot product. It's x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2. That's 3 multiplications and two additions. So a N-dimensional dot product is n multiplications and (n-1) additions. A matrix product is equivalent to nxn dot products, i.e. n*n*n multiplications and n*n*(n-1) additions. That's approximately 2.0*n^3 FLOPS. So you should double all your Gflops/s numbers.
Edit: You might want to consider the kernel time. It's been awhile since I used OpenCL but using the C++ bindings I did something like this
queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[device], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE|CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, &err);
//other code...run kernel
time_end = clevent.getProfilingInfo<CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END>();
time_start = clevent.getProfilingInfo<CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START>();