I'm trying to remove unwanted scripts from my custom joomla template header, which I've managed to remove everything except for this:
<script type="text/javascript">
I've searched for hours and I've tried numerous things to get it removed, but I can't seem to get rid of it. Here's what I've done to remove the other scripts I don't want (for anyone else who has this issue):
# unset frameworks
# unset scripts
If someone could help me remove that tooltip javascript, that would be fantastic. Oh and I don't want to touch the core files, so I'm trying to remove it from the template index.php file itself.
Some component/Module/Plugin is calling the function JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'). and that function add your code.
you can do:
The dirty way: go to libraries\cms\html\bootstrap.php and change the file at the method tooltip(). but remember it's a core file so upgrade can overide your changes.
The clean way, find the component that adds this code and remove or change it.
Good Luck