My Testflight environment i use for iOS crashed on me. I registered with a new account, created a new development provisioning profile in provisioning profiles, reinstalled testflight on my iPad, basically i did everything from scratch again. It seemed to be working, testflight recognized my device and i was able to send out a new test app, but when i pressed the submit button, this strange screen appears saying
nonetype object has no attribute keys
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
Thanks in advance, Zoli
I encountered the same problem and sent a report to TestFlight support team.
But after I updated TestFlight App to the latest version now, it seems working fine.
Additional Info:
I got answer from TestFlight Support.
Sorry you are experiencing trouble.
To help troubleshoot this, please provide us with the following information:
- The .txt log (in the desktop app go to Help > Show Log in Finder)
- The .IPA you are attempting to upload
- The version of the desktop app you're using