I have written the code for crystal report in the page_init() and it runs fine, but I have just noticed that when I switch report page index, means when I want to load second page of the report, the control again goes to the page load and whole report query runs again.
I have made a switch case and from query string I take the name which report is to be loaded, is there a way by which when I can minimize the report load time?
Is session a better idea?
If I write the code in (!Ispostaback), then only first page is loaded, when I try to switch second page, it shows no resource is available error.
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
String test = Request.QueryString["ReportType"];
ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
switch (testCondition)
case "Report":
var rpt1 = new LenderCompanyActionReport();
String lcarParam1 = Request.QueryString["Param1"];
String lcarParam2 = Request.QueryString["Param2"];
String lcarParam3 = Request.QueryString["Param3"];
String lcarParam4 = Request.QueryString["Param4"];
String lcarParam5 = Request.QueryString["Param5"];
List<Reportclass> lst2 = new ReportMethod().GetReport(lcarParam1, lcarParam2, lcarParam3, lcarParam4, lcarParam5);
CRReportViewer.ReportSource = rpt1;
You need to add rpt1 to a session variable