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Shoretel SDK C# - Call Recordings

My company is using ShoreTel's SDK to record inbound and outbound calling. We are using LineRecord to handle the recording; however, it is storing the recordings on both the phone server and in the users voice mail. The documentation says there is a way to prevent it from recording in both but doesn't say exactly how.

The code I am using for the LineRecord is:

m_STMLCtl.LineRecord(nLineID, nCallID, RoutePoint, m_STMLCtl.LineGetAddress(nLineID));

The ShoreTel STMLBrowser test application has this code:

STMLCtl.LineRecord(nLineToRecordFrom, nCallID, strExtensionToCall, strContext);

How do I prevent the voice recording from recording to the user's voice mail?


  • The recording function just initiates a call to the specified extension. Whatever answers that call is responsible for recording the audio. If your recording is winding up in voice mail, then somehow the call is getting to the voice mail extension. If the call hits voice mail, then the recording will be saved in the mailbox of the extension specified in strContext. The only other option is to send the call to a route point and record the audio yourself.

    As a note, the better place to ask for help is the ShoreTel Developer Network group.