I have multiple HTML pages located in the server and each page has a different format. However each page contains a table with some header and row values.
Now I want to read the header and associate its cell values with it. I am new to Perl and having hard time to get it done.
Here is an example HTML:
<Table Border=1 width="100%">
<td colspan=12 align="Center" nowrap ><B>Detailed Information for Check # 6392933</B></td>
<td><b>PO Number</b></td>
<td><b>Invoice Number</b></td>
<td><b>DC Number</b></td>
<td><b>Store Number</b></td>
<td><b>Invoice Amount</b></td>
Now I want to create a Perl structure where all the cell values should be stored to its header values and should print something like below:
PO Number = 0000000000, 0000000000
Invoice Number=000000118608965, 000000122865088
DC number= 0, 0 and so on.
I have tried searching and doing everything from the internet but nothing works, I have just got the cell value into a variable but that doesn't help because it takes all the values into a cell value.
#!/usr/bin/Perl -w
$file = "/Path/to/file";
use Encode;
$da = `cat "$file"`;
my $data = decode_utf8($da);
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::TableContentParser;
$tcp = HTML::TableContentParser->new;
$tables = $tcp->parse($data);
for $t (@$tables) {
for $r (@{ $t->{rows} }) {
print "Row: ";
for $c (@{ $r->{cells} }) {
$col = $c->{data};
print $col;
print "\n";
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
HTML::TableExtract was created to extract information from HTML tables. Use it as follows:
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::TableExtract;
my $file = 'input.html';
my $te = 'HTML::TableExtract'->new;
my $t = $te->first_table_found;
my @columns;
my $first = 1;
for my $row ($t->rows) {
$first = 0, next if $first;
push @{ $columns[$_] }, $row->[$_] for 0 .. $#$row;
for my $column (@columns) {
print "$column->[0] = ", join(', ', @{ $column }[1 .. $#$column]), "\n";
PO Number = 0000000000, 0000000000
Invoice Number = 000000118608965, 000000122865088
DC Number = 0, 0
Store Number = 1860, 2286
Division = 1, 1
Invoice Amount = $-21.02, $-42.04