Here is my domain class:
class Category {
String name
static hasMany = [subCategories: Category]
static belongsTo = [parentCategory: Category]
static mapping = {
subCategories joinTable: false, column: "parent_id"
static constraints = {
parentCategory nullable: true
Category is a domain class and has self-reference to both parent and list of children.
Now I want something like this: given a parent category id, I want a list of all sub-categories belong to this id. (NB: not direct children, all the children under the id)
For example, id 1 has children 2 and 3, and 2 has children 4 and 5.
Given I got category id 1 from client, I want a sub categories with id 2,3,4,5
Taken advantage of Groovy, what is the best code to implement that?
Untested code but might get you moving in the right direction. There might be a "groovier" way to do this, but I'm not sure.
def findAllChildren(category, results = []) {
category.subCategories.each { child ->
results << child
findAllChildren(child, results)
def someOtherMethod() {
def allChildren = []
findAllChildren(parentCategory, allChildren)