When I type a multiline command like
$ for i in 1 2 3; do
for> echo $i
for> done
and then recall the command with up-arrow, backspacing stops at the start of the last line (i.e. after erasing done
). Is there a way to make the zsh line editor keep backspacing by jumping to the end of echo $i
and erasing the previous line? I know I can use up-arrow, but I would like to just keep backspacing. Interestingly, this works for word-erase with Ctrl-W but not for backspace.
When you run bindkeys -v
all the keys are set to vi-like behavior, including the backspace key which is bound to vi-backward-delete-char
. You can override specific keys afterward, like this:
bindkey '^h' backward-delete-char
or perhaps ^?
instead of ^h
- type Ctrl-V Backspace to get the right code.