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python doc for docstring

I want to have a tool which can generate documentation from the source code comments, I found a tool named pythondoc, it can generate HTML or XML from python source codes, but it doesn't support extracting the docstring, only supports extrats the '#'comments, is there a tool which can support the docstring extracting?


  • You can easily scan all your files and folders, find all python files, and get only docstrings out of them with some regex matching, something like this:

    import re
    import os
    import xmlutils # download it from:
    my_dir = '<absolute path to my dir>'
    doc_dict = dict()
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(my_dir):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.endswith('.py'):
                with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'r') as py_file:
                    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
                    doc_dict[basename] = ['doc') for m in re.finditer(
                        re.compile(r'("|\'){3}(?P<doc>.*?)\1{3}', re.DOTALL),