I own a RaspberryPi that I can connect only through ssh. A few days ago it was unsafely powered off. Now when I turn it on I cannot access it. It looks like it turns on but can't get an ip or so.
It is ptovided by fixed IP from router, and when I try to ping this IP, it tells me that the destination host is unreachable.
Is there a way to find out what has happened or the only way is to complete reinstall the OS?
One possibility is that the systems rootfs has been corrupted, this happened to me once with unsafe powerdown on a raspi.
If you have another sd-card, the easiest would be to install a fresh image on it and check if it boots correctly. If not, make an image of your current sd-card, format and reinstall.
Hopefully you've got backups, as there's no guarantee to recover your files if the data has been corrupted.