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Print a GUID variable

I have a GUID variable and I want to write inside a text file its value. GUID definition is:

typedef struct _GUID {          // size is 16
    DWORD Data1;
    WORD   Data2;
    WORD   Data3;
    BYTE  Data4[8];

But I want to write its value like:


I observed that:

  • Data1 holds the decimal value for CA04046D
  • Data2 holds the decimal value for 0
  • Data3 holds the decimal value for next 0

But what about the others?

I have to interpret myself this values in order to get that output or is there a more direct method to print such a variable?


  • Use the StringFromCLSID function to convert it to a string


    GUID guid;
    OLECHAR* guidString;
    StringFromCLSID(guid, &guidString);
    // use guidString...
    // ensure memory is freed

    Also see the MSDN definition of a GUID for a description of data4, which is an array containing the last 8 bytes of the GUID