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Use autocomplete in masked-input primefaces

I'd like to make a masked input field with autocompletion. In my example i have a field with article numbers _.___.___. I have also a list of often used articles. The user can select existing article numbers from the list and can add new articlenumbers.

How can i combine these two primefaces components?

Thanks for your help



  • To achieve this you have two possibilities: Create a custom component or set the inputmask manually via jQuery. I implemented the second method this way:

    1. Use the normal Autocomplete Widget

      <h:form id="myPanel">
        <p:autoComplete id="number" value="#{myBean.number}" completeMethod="#{myBean.complete}" />
    2. Activate Inputmask via this little Javascript

      $(document).ready(function() {
          $(':input[id="myPanel:number_input"]').inputmask("mask", {"mask": "(999) 999-9999"});

    (3. Make sure you have included the inputmask jquery library:)

        <script src="jquery.inputmask.js" type="text/javascript"/>

    Although this solution does what it should do, i think the custom component would be the more cleaner way. Hope my Snippet helps you anyway.