In this website: I use Cufon to style the text for the the main navigation. I have use this html code for it.
<ul id="mainnav" class="alignright">
<li class="active">
<a href="#">
<small class="active">main page</small>
<a href="#">
<small class="active">my bio</small>
I have one problem with it however. When I hover over the #mainnav li span and then immediately move the mouse down so its hovering over the #mainnav li small text beneath it the #mainnav li span thinks the mouse is still on top of it and stays in its hover state. This does not happen when I don't hover over the #mainnav li small after hovering over the #mainnav li span.
I'm using this code with Cufon:
Cufon.replace('#mainnav li a span', {
hover: true,
hoverables: { span: true, small: true }
Its really essential that I get this fixed so I would really appreciate any help.
Note: The site is by no means finished.
hey. I did not runt the code but you could try to add the small tag into you cufon replace .....
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Cufon.replace('h1, #mainnav li a span, #mainnav li a small', {
hover: true,
hoverables: { span: true, small: true }