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MS Azure Webrole - How to specify web root drive storage size

I'm working on very large and complex enterprise web application to be hosted in azure. In noticed that the web root is located on E drive. I also noticed that C: drive is 490GB size. But interestingly the size of web root on E drive is only 1GB.

is there any way to either specify the drive you want to install e.g. C: or specify the size of the drive while deploying?

I also checked that all M,Large etc. VM Size have same storage size for E:


  • You cannot specify the location of webroot! Also, when designing any applications to run in a Platform-as-a-Service (such as Azure Web Role), you have to abstract data storage. You shall never ever write anything but temporary data to local drives. For all application's data you must use Azure blob Storage. And for large temporary files, you can use Local Resources as already prompted by sharptooth.

    PaaS is a stateless service. Meaning that if a hardware failure occurs, a new VM will be immediately created for you and the deployment package will be used to initialize it. Also, if an update of the GuestOS is required, the VM will be taken down and re-instantiated with the new image and original deployment packages. And so on. Meaning that anything you've written to the local file system will be lost.