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Pchart - Line chart on wrong axis

Im trying to build a combined scatter and line graph. Currently the Scatter plots fine, when i come to adding the lines they're rotated 90 deg to the right, so they are vertical and not horizontal. I can't for the life of me work out why, so if anyone has any suggestions it would be awesome.

The code below is the full function, ignore the name its -NOT- a spline chart now (i really should change that).

function cg_graphs_spline_plot($surgeonname, $plotpoint, $nnotnullsingletotal, $surgeonplots, $baseline, $gsettings){

  /*Build the binomial curve plots*/
  $binomloop = $gsettings['maxmin'][0]['Max'] + 1;
  for($i = 1; $i <= $binomloop; $i++){
    $upperalert = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.995);
    $loweralert = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.005);
    $Ualert[] = ($upperalert['upper'] * 100);
    $Lalert[] = ($loweralert['lower'] * 100);
    //$upperalarm = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.9995);
    //$loweralarm = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.0005);
    //$Ualarm[] = ($upperalarm['upper'] * 100);
    //$Lalarm[] = ($loweralarm['lower'] * 100);
    unset($Ualert[0]); //delete the leading 0 value
    unset($Lalert[0]); //delete the leading 0 value
    mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm upper', '', $Ualert);
    mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm lower', '', $Lalert);
    //mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm upper', '', $Ualarm);
    //mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm lower', '', $Lalarm);

  /* Create the pData object */
  $myData = new pData();
  $myData->addPoints(array($plotpoint), "preSurgeons"); //Y pos just has to match pos of X
  $myData->addPoints(array($nnotnullsingletotal), "pSurgeon"); //array pos matches, so the

  foreach($surgeonplots['ops'] as $op){
    $myData->addPoints($op, "Surgeons");

  foreach($surgeonplots['reop'] as $reop){
    $baselineplots[] = $baseline;
    $myData->addPoints($reop, "reSurgeons");
  $myData->addPoints($baselineplots, "baseline"); //add baseline for line graph
  /** plot binomials */
  $myData->addPoints($Ualert, "Ualert"); //add upper alert
  $myData->addPoints($Lalert, "Lalert"); //add lower alert
  //$myData->addPoints($Ualarm, "Ualarm"); //add upper alarm
  //$myData->addPoints($Lalarm, "Lalarm"); //add lower alarm

  /* Create the X axis and the binded series */
  $myData->setAxisName(0,$gsettings['axisXlabel']); //Number of operations -- removed for now

  /* Create the Y axis and the binded series */

  /* Create All surgeons scatter chart binding */
  $myData->setScatterSerieDescription(0,"All Surgeons");

  /* Create Single Surgions scatter point */
  $myData->setScatterSerieDescription(1, $surgeonname);

  /*unset the baseline for the first set*/
  $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("baseline", "Ualert", "Lalert", "Ualarm", "Lalarm"), FALSE); 
  /* Create the pChart object */
  $myPicture = new pImage(847,304,$myData);

  $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0,0,847,304,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,array("StartR"=>47,"StartG"=>47,"StartB"=>47, "EndR"=>17,"EndG"=>17,"EndB"=>17,"Alpha"=>100));
  $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0,250,847,304,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,array("StartR"=>47,"StartG"=>47,"StartB"=>47, "EndR"=>27,"EndG"=>27,"EndB"=>27,"Alpha"=>100));

  /* Write the picture title */ 
  $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>drupal_get_path('module', 'cg_graphs')."/pChart/fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf","FontSize"=>6));

  /* Set the graph area */

  /* Draw a rectangle */
  $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(57,27,816,228,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Dash"=>TRUE,"DashR"=>0, "DashG"=>51,"DashB"=>51,"BorderR"=>0,"BorderG"=>0,"BorderB"=>0));

  /* Turn on shadow computing */ 

  /* Create the Scatter chart object */
  $myScatter = new pScatter($myPicture,$myData);

  /* Draw the scale */
  $myScatter->drawScatterScale(array('LabelRotation' => 90, "Mode" => SCALE_MODE_MANUAL, "XMargin"=>4, "Pos" => SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT, "ManualScale" => $gsettings['maxmin'], 'Factors' => array(20)));
  $myScatter->drawScatterLegend(640,266,array("Mode"=>LEGEND_VERTICAL ,"Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Family"=>LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE));
  /* Draw a scatter plot chart */
  /*Draw Baseline chart*/
  $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("pSurgeon", "Surgeons", "preSurgeons", "reSurgeons"), FALSE);
  $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("baseline", "Ualert", "Lalert"), TRUE);

  /* plot lines */

  /* Write the 0 line */
  /* Add a border to the picture */

  $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("reSurgeons"), FALSE);

  /* Set serie settings */
  $myData->setSerieDescription("baseline","Average Baseline");
  $myData->setSerieDescription("Ualert","Upper Alert Line");
  $myData->setSerieDescription("Lalert","Lower Alert Line");
  $myData->setSerieDescription("Ualarm","Upper Alarm Line");
  $myData->setSerieDescription("Lalarm","Lower Alert Line");

  $myPicture->drawLegend(540,266,array("Mode"=>LEGEND_VERTICAL ,"Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Family"=>LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE));

  /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
  $imagename = str_replace(' ', '-', $surgeonname);
  $myPicture->render(drupal_get_path('module', 'cg_graphs')."/pChart/examples/pictures/".$imagename."-".$gsettings['name'].".png");

Graph Image


  • ok so figured this out, i was missing the drawscale for the linegraph.

    new code:

    function cg_graphs_spline_plot($surgeonname, $plotpoint, $nnotnullsingletotal, $surgeonplots, $baseline, $gsettings){
          /*Build the binomial curve plots*/
          $binomloop = $gsettings['maxmin'][0]['Max'] + 1;
          $x = 0;
          for($i = 1; $i <= $binomloop; $i++){
            $upperalert = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.995);
            $loweralert = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.005);
            $lineXaxis[] = $x; //build values for the line x axis
            $baselineplots[] = $baseline; //build values for the baseline
            $Ualert[] = ($upperalert['upper'] * 100);
            $Lalert[] = ($upperalert['lower'] * 100);
            $upperalarm = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.9995);
            $loweralarm = cg_graphs_get_binomial($baseline, $i, 0.0005);
            $Ualarm[] = ($upperalarm['upper'] * 100);
            $Lalarm[] = ($upperalarm['lower'] * 100);
            unset($Ualert[0]); //delete the leading 0 value
            unset($Lalert[0]); //delete the leading 0 value
            mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm upper', '', $Ualert);
            mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm lower', '', $Lalert);
            //mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm upper', '', $Ualarm);
            //mmi_watchdog('plotting alarm lower', '', $Lalarm);
          /* Create the pData object */
          $myData = new pData();
          $myData->addPoints(array($plotpoint), "preSurgeons"); //Y pos just has to match pos of X
          $myData->addPoints(array($nnotnullsingletotal), "pSurgeon"); //array pos matches, so the
          foreach($surgeonplots['ops'] as $op){
            $myData->addPoints($op, "Surgeons");
          foreach($surgeonplots['reop'] as $reop){
            $myData->addPoints($reop, "reSurgeons");
          $myData->addPoints($baselineplots, "baseline"); //add baseline for line graph
          /** plot binomials */
          $myData->addPoints($Ualert, "Ualert"); //add upper alert
          $myData->addPoints($Lalert, "Lalert"); //add lower alert
          $myData->addPoints($Ualarm, "Ualarm"); //add upper alarm
          $myData->addPoints($Lalarm, "Lalarm"); //add lower alarm
          /* Create the X axis and the binded series */
          $myData->setAxisName(0,$gsettings['axisXlabel']); //Number of operations -- removed for now
          /* Create the Y axis and the binded series */
          /* Create All surgeons scatter chart binding */
          $myData->setScatterSerieDescription(0,"All Surgeons");
          /* Create Single Surgions scatter point */
          $myData->setScatterSerieDescription(1, $surgeonname);
          /*unset the baseline for the first set*/
          $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("baseline", "Ualert", "Lalert", "Ualarm", "Lalarm"), FALSE); 
          /* Create the pChart object */
          $myPicture = new pImage(847,304,$myData);
          $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0,0,847,304,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,array("StartR"=>47,"StartG"=>47,"StartB"=>47, "EndR"=>17,"EndG"=>17,"EndB"=>17,"Alpha"=>100));
          $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0,250,847,304,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,array("StartR"=>47,"StartG"=>47,"StartB"=>47, "EndR"=>27,"EndG"=>27,"EndB"=>27,"Alpha"=>100));
          /* Write the picture title */ 
          $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>drupal_get_path('module', 'cg_graphs')."/pChart/fonts/pf_arma_five.ttf","FontSize"=>6));
          /* Set the graph area */
          /* Draw a rectangle */
          $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(57,27,816,228,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Dash"=>TRUE,"DashR"=>0, "DashG"=>51,"DashB"=>51,"BorderR"=>0,"BorderG"=>0,"BorderB"=>0));
          /* Turn on shadow computing */ 
          /* Create the Scatter chart object */
          $myScatter = new pScatter($myPicture,$myData);
          /* Draw the scale */
          $myScatter->drawScatterScale(array("Mode" => SCALE_MODE_MANUAL, "XMargin"=>4, "Pos" => SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT, "ManualScale" => $gsettings['maxmin'], 'Factors' => array(20)));
          $myScatter->drawScatterLegend(640,266,array("Mode"=>LEGEND_VERTICAL ,"Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Family"=>LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE));
          /* Draw a scatter plot chart */
          /*Draw Baseline chart*/
          $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("pSurgeon", "Surgeons", "preSurgeons", "reSurgeons"), FALSE);
          $myData->setSerieDrawable (array("baseline", "Ualert", "Lalert", "Ualarm", "Lalarm"), TRUE);
          /* plot lines */
          $myData->setSerieDescription("Labels","My labels");
          $myPicture->drawScale(array("Mode" => SCALE_MODE_MANUAL, "XMargin"=>4, "Pos" => SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT, "ManualScale" => $gsettings['maxmin'], 'Factors' => array(20), 'RemoveXAxis' => TRUE));
          /* Add a border to the picture */
          /* Set serie settings */
          $myData->setSerieDescription("baseline","Average Baseline");
          $myData->setSerieDescription("Ualert","Upper Alert Line");
          $myData->setSerieDescription("Lalert","Lower Alert Line");
          $myData->setSerieDescription("Ualarm","Upper Alarm Line");
          $myData->setSerieDescription("Lalarm","Lower Alert Line");
          $myPicture->drawLegend(540,266,array("Mode"=>LEGEND_VERTICAL ,"Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Family"=>LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE));
          /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
          $imagename = str_replace(' ', '-', $surgeonname);
          $myPicture->render(drupal_get_path('module', 'cg_graphs')."/pChart/examples/pictures/".$imagename."-".$gsettings['name'].".png");