I am using bcp
utility to import data into Sybase
database on Solaris
Since the bcp file is generated by another xml parsing script, I have no control on that to make it generate the fields in the order I want. And now the the order of fields in the bcp file is a little different with the order in the database table.
I want to use a format file for bcp tool to control the order of fields loaded into the database, so I have the sample bcp file as below and constructed a format file accordingly:
the bcp file:
603289|Aug 20 2011 12:00AM|YYY aaa OVD|KLYYP8
603284|Aug 22 2011 12:00AM|XXX bbb OVD|KLPK06
the format file:
1 SYBCHAR 0 12 "|" 3 ver
2 SYBCHAR 0 26 "|" 2 first_dt
3 SYBCHAR 0 60 "|" 4 name1
4 SYBCHAR 0 10 "|" 1 name2
Although I am stuck on the following error:
$bcp my_db..my_tbl in test.bcp -e error -f format.fmt -r\\n -S Sever -U user -P pw
Starting copy...
CSLIB Message: - L0/O0/S0/N24/1/0:
cs_convert: cslib user api layer: common library error: The conversion/operation was stopped due to a syntax error in the source field.
Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file.
bcp copy in partially failed
1 rows copied.
I suspect the cause for the error is the bcp utility can't recognize the row delimiter which is '\n' character (I have used od -c test.bcp
to check this), although the -r\\n
option in the command seems doesn't work, which should specify the row delimiter as '\n' character.
Does anyone have a clue?
I did a change on the format file and it works fine now, I changed the field delimiter for the last field from '|' to '\n' as below:
the new format file:
1 SYBCHAR 0 12 "|" 3 ver
2 SYBCHAR 0 26 "|" 2 first_dt
3 SYBCHAR 0 60 "|" 4 name1
4 SYBCHAR 0 10 "\n" 1 name2
As Michael mentioned in comments, it's tricky to use format files. When using the original format file I have tried to add '|' at end of each records, although the file were not processed correctly.
Now the file can be processed correctly, although I am not sure what is used as row delimiter by bcp utility
Sybase format files can be tricky to use, and I have yet to get them to work to redorder columns. Without a format file, and since you can not control the input file you're given, your options are:
in, and move the data into your production table from there.Given your data format, the following bcp
command line should work.
bcp DBNAME..TABLENAME in MY_FILE.bcp -U username -P password -S SERVERNAME -c -t\| -r\\n