I am having number of columns in my ultragrid
with userdefined visible
and invisible
operations. Now i have to check wheather the column is the first column
in the grid. since i have some columns
which is binded explicitly with the help of index
i cant get the column. Always it shows the same column
as the First one.
For Each UltraGridColumn In Me.TransactionsGrid.Rows.Band.Columns
'Get the first cell column in the grid
UltraGridCell = UltraGridRow.Cells(UltraGridColumn)
If ('Check Here') Then
'Set the cell image
UltraGridCell.Appearance.Image = My.Resources.Tran_comment_161
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageHAlign = HAlign.Right
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Top
End If
How to achieve this?
With a flag to check which column is selected, this code works fine.
For Each UltraGridColumn In Me.TransactionsGrid.Rows.Band.Columns
'Get the first cell column in the grid
UltraGridCell = UltraGridRow.Cells(UltraGridColumn)
If ('Check Here') Then
'Set the cell image
UltraGridCell.Appearance.Image = My.Resources.Tran_comment_161
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageHAlign = HAlign.Right
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Top
End If
If (blnFlag) Then
Dim i = 0
For Each UltraGridColumn In Me.TransactionsGrid.Rows.Band.Columns
'Get the first cell of the column in the grid
UltraGridCell = UltraGridRow.Cells(UltraGridColumn)
If (UltraGridColumn.Hidden = False And i = 0) Then
'Set the cell image
UltraGridCell.Appearance.Image = My.Resources.Tran_comment_161
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageHAlign = HAlign.Right
UltraGridCell.Appearance.ImageVAlign = VAlign.Top
i += 1
'Reset the image if other column
End If
End If