What I want is to tag some objects in streetview by an icon. And as the streetview rotates the hotspot icon should also move with it, As i have shown in bellow images that the tag should be moving along with the map. The images are just self edited. but i want this in the streetview by specifying the angle, pinch and latLong values.
So is there any way for this....?.
bellow is the simple code i have written to call the stretview app of phone through intent.
Intent streetView = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("google.streetview:cbll=33.748832,-84.38751300000001"+"&cbp=1,90,,0,1.0&mz=8"));
Other ways for performing same this are also wellcome...
Thanks in advance
Even though my question was criticized I found an alternate way to do this.
What i have done is, created Google map street-view using Google map JavaScript api v3 which is compatible with both desktop browser and mobile browsers. And then added that in assest
folder of android application package and displayed it on android webview. Then accepting the value of x coordinate from accelerometer and passing it to the webview by webviewInterface on each update and setting the heading of map with it.