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Is Javascript a programming language?

Since V8 compiles JavaScript into assembler, may we say that in the Chrome environment JavaScript is not anymore a script language but a programming language instead?

V8 compiles JavaScript source code directly into machine code when it is first executed. There are no intermediate byte codes, no interpreter.

The very same question has been (better) debated here 10 months ago:

Can Javascript be considered a interpreted language when using Google Chrome (V8)?


  • A script language is also a programming langauge.

    Anyhow, the characteristics of the Javascript language hasn't changed even if the underlying implementation of the executing engine has changed. Javascript still has features that are very characteristic to what we see as a script language, like dynamic data types and dynamic code generation.

    Javascript was originally a plain interpreted scripting language, but how the code is executed has changed a lot over the last few years. However, apart from how this affects performance, the language still works exactly as it has always done.