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How to get my APP_KEY and SECRET_KEY for Dropbox sync?

I'm trying to build in the opportunity to sync my application's *.csv files with desirable dropbox account. What I've done so far:

  1. Permissions and in manifest
  2. Signed my app with my release-key-store
  3. Implemented some code to check dropbox service

The problem is that I can't understand where do I get APP_KEY and SECRET_KEY for this matter?

When I try to launch the app I'm getting this:

05-22 12:31:54.762: E/AndroidRuntime(5587):     at

05-22 12:31:54.762: E/AndroidRuntime(5587):     at<init>(

05-22 12:31:54.762: E/AndroidRuntime(5587):     at

Any clue what am I doing wrong?


  • Ok, I got the answer, you should lend to register_your_app_page first and you will get you keys there.

    And don't forget to copy all libs provided with dropbox sdk in order to avoid init problems.