Search code examples

website analyzer - SEO data

I'm trying to make a personal web analyzer site using PHP.. I bought a script to get other seo data... Now I want to have the 3 bar-counters like the one shown at the top of this page: ... The problem is I don't know what these information are and how these are computed.. This is not included on the script I bought as well.. I've already googled alot, and I mean a lot, of websites also but I can't seem to find any site like this.. Can anyone help me with the computation or direct me to sites that show these 3 bar-counter data just for more information?


  • I am referring to the link you provided.

    The three bars at the top.

    Successfully passed 32

    Room for improvement 5

    Errors to fix 8

    These are totals of all the individual points listed.

    The ones that are successfully passed are marked with a green tick eg Traffic Estimations

    Room for improvement are marked with the orange exclamation mark. eg Title

    Errors to fixed are marked by a red cross eg IP Canonicalization

    To display these bars is a coding issue.