I'm making a tetris game in Java, and I am having a little trouble making the current piece stop when they hit another piece that's already landed. I have separate classes for each tetromino shape. When the currentPiece is falling, the shape with the lowest Y coordinate and the same X value as current is set as the stop point for currentPiece. The problem is that the piece goes through blocks adjacent to currentPiece's center and it is tedious to code for all possible shapes and rotations
Is there a better way of doing this? Basically, my question is, How to handle bounds of tetris pieces?
Link to my java files: http://goo.gl/Ms8Mj (forgive the messiness)
Each block is represented by a table of values, for the L shape it is:
The "middle" block is treated as the origin. I am considering making a 2D boolean array to if a location is occupied or not.
Perhaps build a 2d view representing pieces already places. eg. (o's represent empty spots, x's represent placed pieces)
Look at your piece and its current position. Simulate moving it to the spot it needs to go, then check if any of the x/y co-ordinates overlap. If so, then it can't move there.
eg. if you've got a piece (represented by y) moving down in the following
Simulate yyy moving down one spot. It then occupies (1,2), (2,2) and (3,2). Check your representation - 3,2 is occupied and so the block can't move there. This logic should (I think) apply to any shape piece on any placed board.