I use the starlet xml to find some artifactIds from a pom.xml and i redirect the output to a temporary file, so i can later to create an array with these entries. The problem is that the entries in the temporary file are like one word and they are not separated and when i create the array then the length is 1 instead of 3 for example. The code i wrote is:
xmlstarlet sel -N x=http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 -t -m "x:project/x:dependencies/x:dependency[x:groupId = '$GROUP_ID']/x:artifactId" -v . $POM_XML > temporary
ARRAY=(`cat temporary`)
and the results are for example:
but i would like to be like:
my-name-is-jon my-name-is-george my-name-is-nick
How can i set a field separator for the temporary? Because as long as the temporary file has them as one entry, my array will also have length 1.. I need to do it with a bash script.
Thank you in advance!
Put -o " "
after -v .
(Or -o whatever-separator-string-you-want