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How to use jai image io tools in my project?

I'm trying to read some jpeg-lossless images and show in my project. by the way, these images are DICOM file. After recognizing type of image, I wrote this code:

if (tsuid.equals(TransferSyntax.JPEGLossless)) 
      readerWanted = "jpeg-lossless";
reader = (ImageReader) (ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName(readerWanted).next());

but when I ran it, I got this error:

No reader for jpeg-lossless available for Transfer Syntax 1.2.840.10008. Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException

I've searched in the Internet and I figure out that I have to install Image I/O Tools. then I install that in OS and my project worked very well.

But my problem: I wanna add "jai-image-io" tools in my libraries such as another jar libraries that added there,too. because my application should install on lots of client systems that I can't install extra tools. I don't know how I can do it?

Thank you in advance.


  • Sounds like your problem is deployment.

    • You need to have the Java classes in the classpath
    • You need to have the binaries in the java.library.path

    Depending how you are deploying, you could use the web start versions of JAI ( or just build your own package and put the necessary jars and libraries in a known location (then use -Djava.library.path=<some location> to set it).