I am trying to set up a Web site which is using PayPal. Unfortunately the PayPal developer site/concept is heavily changed, so all tutorials I found are seem to be useless. For example this (very good) youtube tutorial which is very clear is using not existing pages and functions...
So please try to help me only with up to date information/tutorial.
Please note my questions is not about using API, it is about how to set up an app, and a testing sandbox configuration from the ground.
1) As far as I understand I must have a real PayPal account because dev site uses PayPal account for logon (new). Logged in with this account then I can create sandbox accounts. However I would like to create a "Seller" sandbox account and a "Buyer" sandbox account. (missed I something?) Using the new developer site it is not possible. I can create only one kind of sandbox account. In the referenced video there are two types of sandbox accounts: "seller" and "buyer" in the preconfigured accounts. Or "Seller" simply means Business account?
2) I must have an application id to use the API. Note: I inherited a working legacy code which is using the classic API, so no REST please. In the video (old PayPal dev site) there is a left side menu "API and Payment Card credentials" In the new PayPal dev site no such thing. Instead there is a "My Apps".
I've tried to set up an application. It approved automatically. In its metadata I see a live and a sandbox app id.
What is not clear: To what account is associated this newly created app? I've created it logged in with my real paypal credentials. More: ??? When filling the app creation form there was an input field titled: "Supply Test Account Name and Password". First of all how can I type the name and a password to one input field? Secondly What is it? Maybe if I use this app with its sandbox app id then this account will be the Seller (got the money) and if I change the app id to the live one associated this app, then my real PayPal account got the money?
However my goal was to completely simulate the payment process so
1) Create a Seller sandbox account (got API credentials) 2) Associate an application to that Seller account, and get the app id. 3) Create a buyer sandbox account
4a) Configure my web site with Seller API credentials and sandbox app id 4b) Orchestrate a buy process using my website, PayPal API and the 2 sandbox account
5) Check the Seller and Buyer sandbox account's transactions.
Thanks in advance
Seller account = Business account
Buyer account = Personal account
You probably only need to create one of each in Developer Sandbox Accounts , but there's no limit if your testing requires some more
To obtain the new REST API credentials, create an App in My Apps & Credentials and select the sandbox Business account to use
Legacy APIs: If testing an old integration (pre-REST API), you can still get Classic NVP/SOAP credentials for a business account by clicking on its 3 dots menu within your list of sandbox accounts -> View/Edit account -> API Credentials