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How to set up Git with Aptana Studio 3?

I'm new to Git. I use Aptana 3 for everything and I really want to use it when working with Git as well. The problem I'm running into is that everything I read seems geared towards people who know Git or have an idea of what is going on. I have neither. I've never even used GitHub before not even to clone a project.

As far as I've gotten with the Aptana setup is going into the preferences and setting the path to my git executable. I've restarted it and everything and it appears to have accepted this new path, however, there is nothing different. From reading some of these forums I'm supposed to have access to git commands now, which I have a "commit" command, but no push or pull.

Is there a step-by-step documentation out there, website tutorial, anything for Git noobs and Aptana 3? I spent the day trying to figure it out and my shop really wants to have it set up and running tomorrow for our current project. They've never used it either so are learning how to set it up on their Linux machines. It's up to me to figure it out for the Mac.

I know my issue stems a bit farther then just getting it set up but for now I'd be satisfied in knowing that I have it proper and can push and pull from the central repository once I get that set up as well.

So tutorial, hand-holding, anything available out there? Thanks.


  • I know this was writen much later then asked for, but for future reference

    Try this as a starting place,

    1: Go to your account on github and create the repo you want to use. Maybe add a md file.

    2: Then in Aptana, File - Import - Git - Git Repository as New Project, follow directions on screen for github username & password and the url for the repo (you can go to your github account and copy the url ('')

    3: Do some work in Aptana, add files, folder, etc. then in Aptana's project browser right click on the project name, team - stage, commit, push (in that order)

    4: Go to github and marvel at your new work

    I am doing this from a windows machine, but it should be similar on Mac