I'm trying to use the endless adapter in a list fragment context. Everything is working pretty fine except for the click events on any of the item.
If the fragment is implementing onclicklistener, nothing happens in onclick
If the fragment is implementing onitemclicklistener, nothing happens in onitemclick
If I override onListItemclick, I never get any response.
Adding an "android:onClick" in the item xml layout, crash the app with a "can't found your public void thing(View v) function in android.app.Application" (don't knwo why it's not looking in my fragment or my activity where I tried to declare it).
I ended making a setClickListener in the endless adapter. But the event is intercepted in the endless adapter and I must propagage it to my fragment which makes this solution really ugly.
Any hint ?
Found it...
public void onStart() {
getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {