Given a data set containing multiple rows, from within a .NET console application I need to generate a report on a single page for each row, sending those pages directly to the printer.
I am attempting to use Microsoft Report for this by attaching it to a data set and placing TextBoxes where I wish. Generating the report and sending it to the printer are not a problem. Unfortunately, the data only seems to be available in aggregates -- First, Sum, Last, Max, etc. I cannot latch the text box to a bare field.
Some poking around here and other sites seems to address this, but only when the data is presented in a table. One post even said without elaboration, "My mistake was using Text Boxes"
Am I using the wrong tool for what I am attempting to accomplish?
I ran into the same problem and managed to solve it. The solution seems a little convoluted to me so don't quote me on the "right" way to do this, but here is what I did:
Note that I am in the early stages of using this approach so I'm not sure if I am going to hit any walls... but for a basic report that uses TextBoxes and a page break after each "row" it seems to be working ok.