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XmlUnit and Child Nodes

I am using xmlunit to compare two text files. The control xml is:

       <name>Angels &amp; Demons</name>
       <author>Dan Brown</author>

I am comparing this against another piece of xml that has the and elements swapped.

        <name>Angels &amp; Demons</name>
        <author>Dan Brown</author>

The Diff object reports the following difference:

Expected sequence of child nodes '1' but was '3' - comparing <name...> at /books[1]/book[1]/name[1] to <name...> at /books[1]/book[1]/name[1]

If <name> is child node '1', wouldn't <isbn> be child node '2'?


  • It seems like XmlUnit is counting carriage returns in the xml as child nodes. Setting the following XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace(true); gave a more intuitive result of Expected sequence of child nodes '0' but was '1' - comparing <int...> at /struct[1]/int[1] to <int...> at /struct[1]/int[1]