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CDATA in payload factory in WSO2 ESB

I am trying to write a sequence in ESB and populate my payload data by using payload factory as i stated below example.

        <p:echoInt xmlns:p="">
           <in xmlns="">$1</in>
        <arg xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" expression="an-xml-formatted-string"/>
        <address uri="http://noon101:8280/services/echo" format="soap11"/>

Because my string is formatted as xml when i send this payload to the service, the service tries to parse my xml parameter and (i do not understand what is the exact reason) my web service method is not called. in this link it says that if i use cdata than the parser will not parse my xml formatted string and there will be no problem.

But the problem is Payload Factory mediator do not accept Cdata in its content. When i write the configuration of Payload Factory as indicated below, it deletes CDATA keywords from it and problem consists.

        <p:echoInt xmlns:p="">
           <in xmlns=""> <![CDATA[ $1 ]]> </in>
        <arg xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" expression="an-xml-formatted-string"/>

What would be the solution to this problem? Any other mediator to set payload or any workaround will be appreciated.


  • You can use XSLT mediator to that (Payload factory mediator does not support CDATA). But if you use it. And also you need to do the following configuration to preserve CDATA in the mediation flow. [1]

    This will be helpful too.
