What does it mean the tld_size in the subdomain-fu gem. for example deafult am having,
SubdomainFu.tld_sizes = {:development => 1,
:test => 0,
:production => 1}
in my initializers/subdomain-fu.rb
I have debugged and found the answer,
If the config as follows means,
SubdomainFu.tld_sizes = {:development => 1,
:test => 0,
:production => 1}
If your URL is test.lvh.me:3000 means the subdomain-fu gem's current_subdomain will return test. If you set the tld_size is as below,
SubdomainFu.tld_sizes = {:development => 1,
:test => 0,
:production => 0}
Then your URL is test.lvh.me:3000 means the subdomain-fu gem's current_subdomain will return test.lvh