Search code examples

Setting pages on which block will appear in Drupal installation profile

Created installation profile and need to make some custom block be visible on particular pages.

In profile_name.install : profile_name_install():

$values = array( 
        'module' => 'my_custom_module',  
        'delta' => 'my_block', 
        'theme' => $default_theme,  
        'status' => 1,  
        'weight' => 0, 
        'region' => 'help',  
        'pages' => "admin/page1\nadmin/page2\nadmin/page3",  
        'cache' => 0,  

$query = db_insert('block')->fields(array('module', 'delta', 'theme', 'status', 'weight', 'region', 'pages', 'cache'));
foreach ($values as $record) { 

After installation those pages in block configuration are set to 'All pages except those listed', but I need them to be in 'Only the listed pages';

What extra values should I add in $values array? Is it correct way to set many pages with \n separator?


  • Per the hook_block_info() docs, you need to add visibility:

        'module' => 'my_custom_module',  
        'delta' => 'my_block', 
        'theme' => $default_theme,  
        'status' => 1,  
        'weight' => 0, 
        'region' => 'help',  
        'pages' => "admin/page1\nadmin/page2\nadmin/page3",  
        'cache' => 0,  
        'visibility' => BLOCK_VISIBILITY_LISTED