im currently using a simple msgbox calc to return a calculated value. How can i restrict the number of decimal places shown in the returned value in the answer msgbox.
here is the script!
Sub CalcmsgboxHect()
On Error Resume Next
num = InputBox("Please Enter The Number Of Acres You Would Like To Calculate Into Hectares ")
MsgBox num * 0.404686 & " Is the Number Of Hectares."
End Sub
Here you go. This applies a format with two decimal places and a thousands separator:
EDIT: Wrapped in an IF to skip if num = 0.
Sub CalcmsgboxHect()
Dim num As Double
num = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please Enter The Number Of Acres You Would Like To Calculate Into Hectares ", Type:=1)
If num <> 0 Then
MsgBox Format(num * 0.404686, "#,##0.00") & " Is the Number Of Hectares."
End If
End Sub
As a bonus I declared num
as a Double
(depite your reckless moniker). Also, I used Application.Inputbox
, which allow you to specify and input type. An input type of 1
means the user has to enter a number. This might allow you to get rid of the On Error Resume Next