this script is based on another for an assignment. My code looks the same as theirs and BOTH error out with a syntax error. I am running with ActiveState Active Python 2.7 64-bit
def showEvents():
''' showEvents command
List events from event logger with the following options:
-t or -type (type of event to search for)
warning (default option)
-g or -goback (time in hours to search)
default is 100 hours
>>>showEvents -t warning -g 100
type = warning
goBack = 100 hours
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-t', '--type', \
choices=('error', 'warning', 'information', 'all' ), \
help='write type to eventType',
default = 'warning')
parser.add_option('-g', '--goback', \
help='write goback to goback',
default = '100')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
return options
options = showEvents()
print 'type = ', options.type
print 'goBack =', options.goback, 'hours'
if options.type == 'all':
if options.goback == '24':
import os
This returns the defaults when it runs, but it wont accept input. What have I missed?
>>> type = warning
goBack = 100 hours
>>> showEvents -t error
Traceback ( File "<interactive input>", line 1
showEvents -t error
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Thanks for looking.
The problem isn't with your code, but with the way you're trying to test it.
showEvents -t error
is not a valid line of Python, but it is a valid line of sh
or cmd
So, you don't type it into the Python interpreter, you type it into the bash/DOS prompt in a Terminal/DOS window.
Also, if you're not on Windows, the script will have to be saved as showEvents
(rather than
), and it will have to be installed somewhere on your PATH
, and it will have to have the executable flag set, and it will need a #!/usr/bin/env python
or similar first line. (Or you can skip all that and type python -t error
at the bash prompt.)
On Windows, you can call it
; as long as you're cd
'd to the same directory it's saved in it's automatically on your PATH
; and there is no executable flag or shebang line to worry about.