I've been checking some app, which is configured and loaded as page tab.
This app ask for the corresponding permissions, publish_stream, etc. but the permissions dialog open as a lightbox, without leaving the app/page/tab. Look
After giving permissions, I vote a picture and the app publishes into my wall as if I have written a comment into the post... "I've voted for ... blablabla"
I see this as 2 questions:
1.) How to get a lightbox 2.) how to autopost a message or action
1.) The lightbox dialogs are something you can invoke with the js sdk -> FB.ui IF you have basic permissions. The only exception i found was Facebook tab apps! :D
2.) What i can make of the screenshot is just a simple post to a users /[user]/feed on the graph, to achieve this when someone is offline : https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/ ... actions are pretty much the same, except that you post to [user]/actions