I'm using lpsolve
package for linear programming but have read in its tutorial that only solves for non-negative variables.
Here's my code:
library(lpSolve) #linear programming solver
c = c(30, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26)
a = scan(text="66 89 82 14 35 72")
b = 50
con.qual.s1=scan(text="64 98 17 55 27 80")
con.qual.s2=scan(text="16 59 88 89 60 47")
n=6 #activities
m=3 #resources
f.rhs = c(b,qual.cons)
f.con <- matrix (rbind(a,con.qual.s1,con.qual.s2,diag.p),nrow=m+nrow(diag.p))
f.obj.d <- c(50,53,82)
diag.d=diag(x = 1, m, m) #non-negativity
f.con.d <- matrix (rbind(t(f.con[1:m,]),diag.d),nrow=n+nrow(diag.d))
f.dir.d <- c(rep("<=",7),rep(">=",2))
f.rhs.d <- c(c,rep(0,m))
of.d=lp ("max", f.obj.d, f.con.d, f.dir.d, f.rhs.d,compute.sens=TRUE)
Note that ignores the fact that constraint number 7 is non-positive.
EDIT: I have added new code for the lpSolveAPI
package. In order to check that works I have prepared different code for the primal problem and the dual problem.
c = c(30, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26)
a = scan(text="66 89 82 14 35 72")
b = 50
con.qual.s1=scan(text="64 98 17 55 27 80")
con.qual.s2=scan(text="16 59 88 89 60 47")
n=6 #activities
m=3 #resources
PRIMAL PROBLEM: (here we don't have any problem because all variables must be non-negative)
lprec.p <- make.lp(0, n)
f.con <- matrix (rbind(a,con.qual.s1,con.qual.s2),nrow=m)
set.objfn(lprec.p, c)
add.constraint(lprec.p, f.con[1,], "<=", f.rhs[1])
for (i in 2:m) {
add.constraint(lprec.p, f.con[i,], ">=", f.rhs[i])
ColNames <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4","x5","x6")
RowNames <- c("pi1", "pi2", "pi3")
dimnames(lprec.p) <- list(RowNames, ColNames)
DUAL PROBLEM: (here we need the first variable to be non-positive so use set.bounds
lprec.d <- make.lp(0, m)
f.con.d=matrix (cbind(a,con.qual.s1,con.qual.s2),ncol=m)
set.objfn(lprec.d, f.rhs)
for (i in 1:n) {
add.constraint(lprec.d, f.con.d[i,], "<=", c[i])
set.bounds(lprec.d, lower = c(-Inf), upper = c(0),columns = c(1))
RowNames <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4","x5","x6")
ColNames <- c("pi1", "pi2", "pi3")
dimnames(lprec.d) <- list(RowNames, ColNames)
If you use the lpSolveAPI library as is proposed on the lpsolve R page, it should be fairly straightforward to apply the set.bounds
/set_bounds method to assign negative bounds on your variables.
For example, if you have three variables x1
, x2
and x3
with the following bounds:
x1 >= 0
x2 <= 0
-5 <= x3 <= 10
With the lpSolveAPI in R, and assuming that your problem is denoted lprec
, you should be able to specify this as:
set.bounds(lprec, lower = c(0, -Inf, -5), upper = c(Inf, 0, 10), columns = c(1, 2, 3))