Hi i have this problem with some authentication and creation of database item. In the documentation it says that authentication should be called before the creation. So here is the code i have done and i wonder if i have the events in wrong order.
private void ApplicationBarIconButton_Click_5(object sender, EventArgs e)
Gateway.AuthenticateAsync("username", "password1", "username2", "password2");
Gateway.AuthenticateCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference.AuthenticateCompletedEventArgs>(AuthenticateTime);
private DateTime _nestedDateStart;
private DateTime _nestedDateEnd;
private DateTime _nestedDateStartBreak1;
private DateTime _nestedDateEndBreak1;
private DateTime _nestedDateStartBreak2;
private DateTime _nestedDateEndBreak2;
ServiceReference.TimereportDto Timereport = new ServiceReference.TimereportDto();
void AuthenticateTime(object sender, ServiceReference.AuthenticateCompletedEventArgs e)
Gateway.AuthenticateAsync("username1", "password1", "username2", "password2");
Timereport.Started = _nestedDateStart;
Timereport.Ended = _nestedDateEnd;
Timereport.Break1Start = _nestedDateStartBreak1;
Timereport.Break1End = _nestedDateEndBreak1;
Timereport.Break2Start = _nestedDateStartBreak2;
Timereport.Break2End = _nestedDateEndBreak2;
Timereport.Comment = Notes.Text;
Timereport.EmployeeSignature = "apptest";
Gateway.CreateTimereportCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference.CreateTimereportCompletedEventArgs>(CreateTimereportCompleted);
void CreateTimereportCompleted(object sender, ServiceReference.CreateTimereportCompletedEventArgs e)
When i set a Breakpoint on "CreateTimereportCompleted" i get error as shown below in the image:
As you can see it returns message "Access denied,please login first". So becaus the usernames and passwords are correct i figure that i must have the code in wrong order or something.
Gateway is a servicereference that looks like this:
ServiceReference.GatewaySoapClient Gateway = new ServiceReference.GatewaySoapClient();
And if the Authentication cookie is supposed to be passed to the next service call i dont know. Nothing is saying that in the documentation.
They have in the documentation below the Authentication a CookieContainer but isnt that only when you make it for a webbrowser?
Anyone who can help me?
Method 1:- (Without forcefully passing cookies through code)
In your ASMX web config add aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" and set AllowCookies=false
In your ServiceReferences.ClientConfig add AllowCookieContainer=true
Method 2:- (Passing cookies around via code)
In your ASMX web config set AllowCookies=true In your ServiceReferences.ClientConfig add AllowCookieContainer=true and you can set
and pass along this 'yourCookieContainerVariable' to next service call.
This method is particularly useful when you have a separate url for your authenticationa nd other business functions
As depicted in : http://www.kotancode.com/2010/08/06/aspnet-authentication-wp7/