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Creating a 2 Column Layout in CSS

I am working on the interface for a small web module and am having some problems with the CSS. Right now I have the container DIV and then tables to layout the sub-sections. I am floating 3 of the tables left and 3 tables right, which until now has worked great.

I recently added a feature that allows for additional fields to be added by the user as needed and as the height of a table in the right column grows, it breaks the layout. Is there a better way to do this so that the layout won't break?

enter image description here

After adding "clear:left" and "clear:right" to each table, it appears as follows...

enter image description here

After moving the 3 left floated tables to the top of the code and removing the "float:right/clear:right" from the other 3, it works well except for this.

enter image description here


  • For each float left, add clear:left, for each float right, add clear: right.

    It'd depend on the order of each floated container though. Another option would be to try keeping one set of floats from one column (i.e. the float lefts or float rights) and remove the float property from the others in the other column so they wrap to the side of the floated boxes.

    EDIT: a working example: