Whenever I try to install my app over testflight my iPhone bricks and needs to be restored. Am I doing something drastically wrong?
To add to this, I created a blank storyboard app with one screen and a button that does nothing, I uploaded that to testflight and it installed fine.
I then went to deploy my real app the traditional way to my device and it crashed the device again... this is the 1st time it's done that. I am going to restore the device again and try and upload the app through testflight. There is definitely something odd between testflight and apps that are deployed locally. Am I able to deploy to the same device using testflight and traditional test deployment using xCode? Is there a known issue with this?
This was caused by a missing appid in the xamarin settings.
I don't understand:
a: why testflight even allows you to upload an app that can cause such a huge FAIL b: why the iphone has to brick just because there is a stupid appid missing!!!
update: bug reported with Xamarin: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/4378/probable-bug-in-xamarin-studio-vs-plugin