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richimage component src value does not work with uri value

When I set uri string value into richimage src property, I can not see the image on application ui. If I try to paste the value into browser it shows the image

ie: file:/C:/Users/Dijitaluser/AppData/Roaming/JDeveloper/system11. As a matter of fact, if i put the image file into the same project as you say image/thefile.png, that's ok. But I use distributed resources project and I get the uri by using resourceBundle. So this solution is useless for me. I' m trying to test application on my integrated weblogic server, and this uri which is returned by resourceBundleHelper, is already validated by browser. Could you plz give me some suggestions about the issue.


  • I trasnformed my resources project to web project to use web.xml about defining resources servlet. Then moved my all images in META-INF/adf/images and added into my VisualResourceBundle(extends ListResourceBundle) class. It works hope it helps