From a VisualForce controller, how can I find if a dependent pick-list inputfield is disabled?
There does not seem to be an accessible 'disabled' property for the field. I am creating validation to make sure fields on a visualForce page are filled out. I do not want to do the validation on the dependent pick-list when there are no values to select, and it is in a disabled state.
If a dependent picklist is required and no values are available for it based on the controlling field value, users can save the record without entering a value. The record is saved with no value for that field. Dependent Picklist Considerations
if its required jest on your page:
public boolean StateDisabled {get;set;}
<apex:inputCheckbox styleClass="StateDisabled" style="display:none" value="{!StateDisabled}" />
<apex:inputField value="{!con.Mailing_Country__c}" onblur="StateDisabled();" />
<div Class="State">
<apex:inputField value="{!con.Mailing_State_Province__c}" onchange="StateDisabled()" />
function StateDisabled(){
if(!$(".State select").attr('disabled')){