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SendKey won't type some of the characters

I'm having bit of a issue with typing some of the special characters SendKey.Send("~!@#$%^&*()_+|").

When I try to type ~!@#$%^&*()_+|, only !@#$*_| is typed.

Is there way around this? Since I first collect string into ListBox, I could also replace these characters before actual typing. Just wondering if there's another way around this.

For the reference, this is how I end up doing this:

private string textToPseudo(string text)
    string temp = string.Empty;

    foreach (char c in text)
        if (c == ' ')
            temp += " ";
            temp += "{" + c + "}";
    return temp;


  • Some characters have special significance for SendKeys. E.g. % is the Alt key, ^ is the Ctrl key, + is Shift key. You have to enclose within braces {} to use them