I am trying to build two unordered lists
using a tagbuilder.
public static MvcHtmlString GenerateMultipleUL<T>(this HtmlHelper html, IGridable<T> model)
where T : class
int itemsCount = model.RowModels.Count();
TagBuilder ulTag = new TagBuilder("ul");
foreach(var indexedItem in model.RowModels.Select((p, i)=> new {item = p, Index = i}))
if (itemsCount / 2 == indexedItem.Index)
{ //create a new Un ordered List
ulTag = new TagBuilder("ul"); // This resets the old values with new ones but i want to close the old UL and create a new one.
TagBuilder liTag = new TagBuilder("li");
ulTag.InnerHtml += liTag;
return new MvcHtmlString(ulTag.ToString());
If I am understanding your question, you should be using a separate StringBuilder
to hold the generated HTML for output. This will give you a place to store the results of your first UL before continuing with generating the second.
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
TagBuilder ulTag = new TagBuilder("ul");
foreach (var item in model)
if (testCondition(item))
ulTag = new TagBuilder("ul");
return output.ToString();