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Fast way to test whether n^2 + (n+1)^2 is perfect square

I am trying to program a code to test whether n^2 + (n+1)^2 is a perfect. As i do not have much experience in programming, I only have Matlab at my disposal. So far this is what I have tried

function [ Liste ] = testSquare(N)

        if exist('NumberTheory')
           load NumberTheory.mat
            MaxT = 0;

        if MaxT > N 
        elseif MaxT > 0 
            L = 1 + MaxT;
            L = 1;

    n = (L:N)';            % Makes a list of numbers from L to N
    m = n.^2 + (n+1).^2;   % Makes a list of numbers on the form A^2+(A+1)^2
    P = dec2hex(m);        % Converts this list to hexadecimal 

    Length = length(dec2hex(P(N,:))); %F inds the maximum number of digits in the hexidecimal number
    Modulo = ['0','1','4','9']';      % Only numbers ending on 0,1,4 or 9 can be perfect squares in hex

    [d1,~] = ismember(P(:,Length),Modulo); % Finds all numbers that end on 0,1,4 or 9

    m = m(d1);                             % Removes all numbers not ending on 0,1,4 or 9
    n = n(d1);                             % -------------------||-----------------------
   mm = sqrt(m);                           % Takes the square root of all the possible squares

    A = (floor(mm + 0.5).^2 == m);         % Tests wheter these are actually squares
   lA = length(A(A>0));                    % Finds the number of such numbers

   MaxT = N;
   save NumberTheory.mat MaxT;

if lA>0

    m = m(A);                              % makes a list of all the square numbers
    n = n(A);                              % finds the corresponding n values
   mm = mm(A);                             % Finds the squareroot values of m 

    fid = fopen('Tallteori.txt','wt');     % Writes everything to a simple text.file
        for ii = 1:lA
            fprintf(fid,'%20d %20d %20d\t',n(ii),m(ii),mm(ii));



Which will write the squares with the corresponding n values to a file. Now I saw that using hexadecimal was a fast way to find perfect squares in C+, and tried to use this in matlab. However I am a tad unsure if this is the best approach.

The code above breaks down when m > 2^52 due to the hexadecimal conversion.

Is there an alternative way/faster to write all the perfect squares on the form n^2 + (n+1)^2 to a text file from 1 to N ?


  • There is a much faster way that doesn't even require testing. You need a bit of elementary number theory to find that way, but here goes:

    If n² + (n+1)² is a perfect square, that means there is an m such that

         m² = n² + (n+1)² = 2n² + 2n + 1
    <=> 2m² = 4n² + 4n + 1 + 1
    <=> 2m² = (2n+1)² + 1
    <=> (2n+1)² - 2m² = -1

    Equations of that type are easily solved, starting from the "smallest" (positive) solution

    1² - 2*1² = -1


    x² - 2y² = -1

    corresponding to the number 1 + √2, you obtain all further solutions by multiplying that with a power of the primitive solution of

    a² - 2b² = 1

    which is (1 + √2)² = 3 + 2*√2.

    Writing that in matrix form, you obtain all solutions of x² - 2y² = -1 as

    |x_k|   |3 4|^k   |1|
    |y_k| = |2 3|   * |1|

    and all x_k are necessarily odd, thus can be written as 2*n + 1.

    The first few solutions (x,y) are

    (1,1), (7,5), (41,29), (239,169)

    corresponding to (n,m)

    (0,1), (3,5), (20,29), (119,169)

    You can get the next (n,m) solution pair via

    (n_(k+1), m_(k+1)) = (3*n_k + 2*m_k + 1, 4*n_k + 3*m_k + 2)

    starting from (n_0, m_0) = (0,1).

    Quick Haskell code since I don't speak MatLab:

    Prelude> let next (n,m) = (3*n + 2*m + 1, 4*n + 3*m + 2) in take 20 $ iterate next (0,1)
    Prelude> map (\(n,m) -> (n^2 + (n+1)^2 - m^2)) it

    Edit by EitanT:

    Here's the MATLAB code to calculate the first N numbers:

    res = zeros(1, N);
    nm = [0, 1];
    for k = 1:N
        nm = nm * [3 4; 2 3] + [1, 2];
        res(k) = nm(1);

    The resulting array res should hold the values of n that satisfy the condition of the perfect square.