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XCode 4.2 with multiple [email protected]

I thought this should be asked but turned out it hasn't been.

So my question is: I have a project which generate a series of products, in old XCode I specified loading image, i.e. the Default.png and [email protected] for each target, and it worked well. Now due to the tall screen I had to add another [email protected] to each target. But every time I added one in the target->summary pane, xcode copies this [email protected] to my project folder. And when I added another 568h image for another target, the old one is replaced. How can I specify different [email protected] for different targets?


  • In your info.plist file (there is a separate one for each target), you can set these:


    This is the 'base name' for the target's launch image. For example, I have SplashScreenPro.png (non-Retina 3.5"), SplashScreenPro@2x (Retina 3.5"), and SplashScreenPro-568h@2x (4" Retina).

    For my Lite target, I have Launch image set to SplashScreenLite.png, and I have SplashScreenLite.png (non-Retina 3.5"), SplashScreenLite@2x (Retina 3.5"), and SplashScreenLite-568h@2x (4" Retina).

    It turns out that the Summary part of Xcode is smart enough to pay attention to these attributes, meaning you don't have to manually name the files.